تونس / رجل - 49 رجل / Donald
- I am ready to smile all the time no matter what, because I am a very life loving and cheerful personality and I live without doing any harm to people who surround me. I am kind and loving lady. I have passion in my heart. I am a woman on fire! But at the same time I am very cozy ... I like watching sunrises and sunsets... I love life! I am totally created from positive. I am also very caring. I know how to give support. عرفنى بنفسك :
- I am ready to smile all the time no matter what, because I am a very life loving and cheerful personality and I live without doing any harm to people who surround me. I am kind and loving lady. I have passion in my heart. I am a woman on fire! But at the same time I am very cozy ... I like watching sunrises and sunsets... I love life! I am totally created from positive. I am also very caring. I know how to give support. الإهتمامات :
Donald : نبذة
سن : 49
جنس : رجل
عنوان : have , سليانة, تونس
مستوى دراسي : مستوى دراسة الثانوية
هواية : 155
الحالة الاجتماعية: مطلق (ة)
قامة : (168cm)
لون الشعر : كستناء
لون العيون : بندق
نوع الجسم : (ة) رحب
دين : يهودية
التدخين : مدخن قليلا
شرب الخمر: نادرا
لديك أطفال: لا
أريد أطفالا : لا اريد
البحث عن, Donald
I am ready to smile all the time no matter what, because I am a very life loving and cheerful personality and I live without doing any harm to people who surround me. I am kind and loving lady. I have passion in my heart. I am a woman on fire! But at the same time I am very cozy ... I like watching sunrises and sunsets... I love life! I am totally created from positive. I am also very caring. I know how to give support.
في البحث عن: رجل, من عند 75 إلى 49
الهدف: زواج
مستوى دراسي : البكالوريا العامة
الحالة الاجتماعية: مطلق (ة)
قامة : من عند (170cm) إلى (190cm)
نوع الجسم : (ة) رحب
دين : المسيحية
التدخين : غير مدخن
شرب الخمر: نادرا
ملفات تعريف مماثلة
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